Ascending Stones

Fire Blossoms

Now, in the portal here I stand,
as multi-colored coils expand,
an ovoid mass, now stripped of flesh,
my soul, entranced, drinks freedom fresh.
And yet this mass transparency,
is lovely in her symmetry.
Behold! an axis filled with fire,
a shaft of light, a mighty tower.
Within this shaft are chakras seven,
projecting a rainbow bridge to heaven,
and though my eye can scarcely gaze,
upon each flower's brilliant blaze,
still through this whirling rainbowed scene,
each petal quivering with vivid sheen,
I hear the music of the spheres,
strike chords upon my inner ears.
With senses filled beyond compare,
crescendos rising through the air,
ascending cadences bursting clear,
first fire, then song, now joy appear.
Within each flower of light I see,
composed of bliss and harmony,
a fluer-dis-lis, 'tis hippocrene,
a three-fold wonder and poet's dream.
Now ribbons of the fate's unscroll,
as painted pages these light waves roll,
and particles swirl in vibrant hues,
striking the eye with brilliant views.
Then, if by magic, a gap appears,
through spiraling motion, a pathway clears,
revealing the source of destiny's mark,
displaying the system directing each spark.
Expanding, contracting, this rhythmic breath,
brings seasons of change and cycles of death,
restores, repairs, refreshes, renews,
revives, re-creates and creates anew.
Yet, total control this vision commands:
"Peace, be still, let the Universe expand"!
Invoke the genii! hearken the muse!
into the mundane this joy infuse!
Ignite the future from ashes past,
creating the present--ever vast.
I ponder this moment of constant change,
past and future in frenzied exchange,
and see the breath that fans the flame,
also forms the Universal frame.
Upon this back-dropped screen of space,
a universal drama takes place,
yet entranced, I behold the scenes,
of Elysian Fields and Valhallic dreams,
spatial boundaries are gently removed,
and each passing scene blends with the new,
in harmonic convergence, shining bright,
blending music, motion, color and sight.
Pure poetic gold, these visions received,
the poet's gift, ideals conceived;
this dazzling view from heaven brought,
is the fleur-dis-lis of purest thought,
and the poet's joy is mind set free,
to bask in this bliss of alchemy.
So aroused am I by psi's unknown,
I'm ready to reap the seeds I have sown,
to liberate myself from my past,
and linger in this paradise vast.
Yet.. I must wear my earthly flesh,
till stitch by stitch my soul redress,
in purest white, a wedding gown,
with golden lotus as my crown,
now, gliding through the sea of glass,
my soul renewed, doth gently pass,
until earth's bonds at last transcend,
and I to Hippocrene ascend.

© Copyright Eloise and PSI Foundation 1985..1996
Graphic:The Gathering by Gilbert Williams