Elemental Dance

The Quake

If our perception never changed,
how little thought would be engaged!
If in darkness we were to prevail,
with no flickering lights beyond the veil;
who would go forth to seek and to know,
and follow the lure of that tiny glow?
Yet, to jar the crusted thoughts of men--
come differences...shocking currents begin!
Jolting, rumbling, trembling, they groan,
frightening differences, threaten what's known!
Causing the subterranean flame,
to burst its prison and devour the frame!
The established order must e're collapse,
(our physical world a formed abstract),
the concentrated essence of a larger whole,
consummating a universal goal.
As that old foundation is shaken and shorn,
painfully battered, ripped and torn,
a broader platform reforms and stands,
and vast new vistas of thought expands.
As vast a process as evolution seems,
dark matter's the substance of nature's dreams;
and evolution is entropy's yang,
an equal product of the "big bang";
opposing channels for gravity's force,
keeping expansion on perfect course,
ever equal yet opposite too,
(yet, "parity" challenged this perfect view).
So, in all this torment we must engage;
for researching questions brings forth change!
And truth, when hurled as a lightning bolt,
shatters thought--as that rumbling jolt,
expands the span of creative range,
observer and observed, now ONE in change!
Absolutes to inquiry subjugates,
and fury the process ever creates.
Yet joy underlies creative thought!
Such a precious gift this fire has brought!
So a difference of opinion, it seems,
lures the mind, as tiny light beams;
first we defend, threatened by light,
hoping to keep the stars in their night;
yet, Newtonian Laws can still be embraced,
though tracks of quantum worlds are traced;
for--relentless the sun dawns each day,
as the mind finds peace, in Truth, this way.

© Copyright Eloise and PSI Foundation 1985..1996
Graphic: Elemental Dance by Gilbert Williams